Wisconsin State Journal from Madison, Wisconsin (2024)

mvm-v Wisconsin State Journa BUSINESS PERSONALS 6 1 CTELP WANTED FEMALB 37 'iJ-A miscellaneous iib Unbeaten Campion MAD I SON Portage Methodist Church all makes typewriters, clocks, sewing WAITRESS, apply in person to dietl- Sunday, October 20. 1944 Betty Cass machines. I cian jvieuiutn nupiii. Beats Logan, 20-0 Mickelon Typewriter Co, Starts Centennial Observance 149 E. Wilson St.

SECRETARY and assistant to doctor. College education preferred. Apply Mrs. Rapp, Jackson Clinic. 16 Henry.

PRAIRIE DU CHIEN Campion ALCOHOLISM IS A DISEASE high school's undefeated football PORTAGE Special services COOK Part time. Experience neces- team trimmed LaCrosse Logan, and Is amenable to our treatment. It iBry. Apply in person, anas Atwood to be held today and Monday mis evu inreaionji yuur mnm, ave jacn rergUHon Co 20-0, here Saturday for Ha fifth HELP A NTED--M A IJt DRIVERS wanted at Universal Cleaners and Laundry. 1229 Regent.

SENIOR ACCOUNTANT CP A. pM ferrrd Public experience dcsixbl. but not required SaUrv npn. Permanent Wilbur S. Grant, I W.

Main St CARPENTER HELPERS and construction laborers for the Georfe A Fuller Company near Forest Products Lab will mark the 100th anniversary of the Portage Methodist church, STENOGRAPHER, sxneral office work straight victory of the season, Campion's classy passing attack THE MURRAY INSTITUTE Must be able to take dictation. Wisconsin Association (or the Disabled. the Rev. Paul B. White, pastor for the past seven years, an was too much the Lacrosse eleven.

Madison Day by Day mum nounced aaturday. jVHERK -TO GO KITCHEN HELPER. No Sundays? Good "RUMORS are Flying" that th FLAME salary and meals. Apply University In the middle of th second Dr, J. Pierce Newell, Madison, superintendent of the southern istrict of the Methodist church, will preach today at the 10:30 Is the best place in town to eat ana H03 state.

drink. EXPERIENCED salesladyTVood "salary Yesterday's kisses won't turn Into rain and commission, fi-day wrk. Apply 1" if you come to the FLAME. person Young Oay, 538 Miat. LOST AM) I'OliNli GIRLTor woman Yo work In t.y-.wav T3 7I.

department In Madison department BLACK co*cker. I years old. Very iU)re KpowjP(llB of book- m. worship service, and the quarter a long pass from' Dave Doyle to Conlin was good for the first tally. A long pass from Doyle to Harpring, who caught the ball over his shoulder on the 15-yard line, provided the second touchdown in the opening minutes of j.1 WW.

I VP X' 1 Ml -Mr--WMt Aaj 0 iJ yf Rev. T. Parry Jones, Sheboygan, When we mentioned, one day last week in connection with Central High school's Homecoming on October 25, that Central had once won a football game when playing against the regular University of Wisconsin team, it was just like rubbing Aladdin's wonderful lamp. Hardly had the echo of our former pastor of the church, oratory Write Pout Office Box 531, Madison. LAUOH FOREMAN' wntd to 1 ibnr work on liuildmf rontriic-tlnn.

Wriu- Pout Offne Box til, Msdl-mili YOUNri MAN," 18 to 30, "wondotfut of-portunity to learn physician suptn Apply In person. Mr Hotel l.orxlne. Monday. 10 to 12 a. nr 52:1 Stste Msdison SALES ENGINEER." with factory" production nnd fles experience.

To sell equipment In Madison and surrounding territory. Write R-140, Stati jriOIlUIT. niipwviaj ss'w week. keeping required. J20.00 per will be the guest preacher at the Lost Pilgrim Village.

B. 6330X, writs R-128. state Journal. the third quarter. Bransfield p.

service. Scheduled for tonight Is a plunged for the extra point. Logan WILL party who took gray gabardine yoUNG high chool graduate for re-topcoat (Kilgore and Hurd label) by ceptlonist cashier duties. Write, mistake from Chanticleer last Batur- qualification to R-135. State day please call Middleton 200, night.

journaj youth rally at 7 p. m. conducted typewriter keys died away when by William Heberlein, president of the senior fellowship, with former members of the organiza then took the kickoif and drove to Campion's 9-yard line but the Knites forward wall held and Campion took over on downs. The last score came when Doyle, who played outstanding football APPLY CAP- rOHTFtf, DAY WORK ITOI. HOTEL.

collar lost. Has fur nibbed off on up- 8tjt8 per part of right leg Aniwrr the K834 8ut name Major. B. 620T days or G. 2954 tion as speakers, the genii, in the person of Alan Sweet, a present day Central high pupil who has done a lot of digging Into the history of Central, appeared at our elbow with a story of the days when Central teams were really tough.

But Choirs to Sing Music at both morning and for Campion from his quarterback imVmVrSi'Stt day off APDly Bt Martins Reatau. SOLO GOLD brooch cf rant. 107 State St. eye" stone, valued as. keepsake Lost -y position, passed to Grlgsby, the play covering 50 yards.

Brans- Monday. Kewaro. au, 'vr," duties first floor maid and assistant REV, PAUL, B. WIHTE evening services will be furnished by the combined church choirs under the direction of Mrs. Effie Miller, with Adina White, P- what a story! cook In sorority house.

Phone B. field again cracked Logan's line STRAW 01 pearis ioSt e.iuay between 9 and 10 a. m. In the" fall of 1897, it seems, for the conversion. Ion State St.

senumemai vaiue. ---wis t. pastor. SILK FINISHER New and modern Central (then Madison high) had Thfc first church building was ward. 8505.

equipment. Experienced preferred but won every game it played, so erected on Howard st. in 1856 TAN co*cker spaniel female lost. An- ij D.iffarH In the I Preceding the 8 p. m.

service w-v, taii.ji.i, Nebraska Upsets Monday will be a fellowship during the ministry of the Rev. SVVunfv fSi btaeff badly defeating all "comers" In this area that several other mid-western high school teams which SKUXri) WORKERS wanted in Okinawa. Hawaii, Alaaka. Hundred "li'lion in contrat. Excellent pay.

Write A-178, Box 949, KnoxvUle. Tfnn jVlM.i; ANT FEMALE HELP nANK MFSSENGER. Write i Ftate Journal. for reneraf housework sndi yard work Full time. Permanent.

Own rooms and bath. Top wases. Call O. 6273 or write 43 Farwell Dr. KITCHEN HELP of all kinds Modern kitchen Apply in person at Park Hotel.

NIflHT waitress or waiter or coek. Bill Smith's, U8 E. Main. HROCERY clerk, male or" female? Good oppnrtunltv for veteran. B.

224d before 5:30 p. m. SHORT-ORDER Excellent working conditions. Apoiy. Weber's, 318 State St.

697. ivii. oimijuuii, anu ta own oitwu- iwarq, i. Kansas, 16-14 i i I a i uinu wnnicu line, navins oeen muuernizeu wtt.t. nortv whn exenaneea srnj uh i t- I --r Tim I CfJIUCIIDilVB 1 1 .1 1 1 (Jl CB3ai nil III nn I a- MA lac CainrHnv at Jim i had been supposed to play cancelled their games.

Then Madison LAWRENCE, Kans. U.R A lava, ana is nuw serving vu ri person iwoaern cwaners. jaau itegeni apartment house. n1' rMnnnfranM Navy Handed Third Defeat North Carolina Tips Middies, 21-14 BALTIMORE, Md. J.R Vaunted North Carolina roared back with two last-period touchdowns Saturday to conquer a stubborn Navy team, 21-14, in a wide-open battle.

The rally pre-icrved North Carolina's unbeaten record. Navy went down to its third straight defeat. Breaks were a dime a dozen, with both teams getting their share and it was a break a partially blocked kick which lead to North Carolina's winning touchdown. Only one touchdown stemmed from a sustained drive, a 60-yard march that enabled North Carolina to come from behind and tie the score in the first minute of the final period. Breaks Help Navy to Score Both of Navy's touchdowns grew out of breaks a blocked kick in tha second period and a pass interception in the third.

North Carolina's Walt Pupa of Woodmere, N. was top scorer of the day with two touchdowns and one conversion. But it was Charlie "Choo-Choo" Justice who paced the Tarheels with flashy passing, kicking and running. On the second play of the game, Bill Hawkins fumbled and Ted Haielwood recovered for North Carolina on Navy's 33. Seven plays Later, Justice scored from the two on a quarterback sneak.

Navy bounced back with the tying touchdown in the first two minutes of the second period. Bill McClain set the stage with a 04-yard quick kick to North Carolina's one. Max Spellman dropped into the end tone to punt. Bob Hunt blocked the kick and Joe Tagliente recovered for a touchdown. Tarheels Sew up Game Navy forged ahead in the third period when Dick Scott intercepted a pass on his 15 and raced 58 yards to the enemy's 27.

Four plays later, Hawkins blasted from the one. Hawkins converted. Then North Carolina got down to business with a crushing 60-yard march spearheaded by Pupa who scored from the one. Bob Cox converted. A minute later, Larry Kloster-man partially blocked a punt by Calhoun Killeen and Ralph Stray-horn recovered on the Navy 21.

Five plays later, Pupa scored from the one-foot mark and Cox again converted. field goal by Sam Vacant! gave the underdog University of Ne Improved Several Times it hv veteran in University section I PRACTICAL NURSE 'r children High issued a challenge to all of the high school football teams of banquet at 6:30, at which the Rev. V. Berger, D.D. of the First Presbyterian church of Portage will extend greetings from the other Portage churches.

Guest speakers at the evening service will be the Rev. A. R. Klein, Sparta, and the Rev, J. W.

Harris, River Falls, both former Portage pastors. urhinh Vine iaft2X. convalescence nome. can o. ix-j-i.

the United States. braska team a 16-14 victory over Kansas in a Big Six Conference There was a brief pause and been altered and improved sev- LOST-Man's brown" covert topcoat. JAP 8 R- i era! times was erected in 1898 Left on RffipSS cwTavbSS PSS and dedicated in 1899 by Bishop state iray non. st f. 9075.

game here Saturday before a then the Tonawanda team of New crowd of 33,000 fans. York which had defeated many tr 1 1 tL. I fcTvSr'V tNvrvTnpv hrKiTari jvici-aDe. wnne we xvev. Vacanti's field goal came In great Eastern teamg and which Program committee members Bushnell was pastor.

BMrlolii.5l Young woman with stenographic bk- claimed the Eastern high school the third period after a Nebraska drive had been halted on Kansas Tho narcnnaKP wa ruilt VETERAN II OO py juo in charge of the observance are Mrs. E. C. Lawrenz, Mayor H. COMPETENT cook for a co-ed l's days a week off.

Good pay. Living accommodations If dered. WrUa R-147, fte Journsl championship, accepted the chal urnndwork washing. AUo Pther oaa accurately ana learn our mercnanqis- 1903 under the ministry of the ing. Apply to Mr.

wmwer. woitf Kub- five yard line. In addition to ma lenge, the only school in the court Stowers, Robert J. Cuff, Mrs. Rev.

Wlllard O. Nuzem. nn in mv home smcktyst winning field goal Vacanti was try to do so. Other ministers Serving the Souare. F.

1388, SECRETARIAL position open, girl be- Jess Ada Baker, Arthur SALESUOKK instrumental in Nebraska first touchdown when he shot a 30 The Madison high team had no congrega ion from Wat time to fnmtamt uiexpnce: Teek Zinke, Heberlein, Mrs, A. Roberts, and the pastor. regular coach and no fine grid ine uifseiit were tne ncvB. xu- i ipm TVDini dy iiuu. em yard pass to Halfback Dick Hut- Has Had 33 Pastors mund Trim, 1905-13; William H.

ograph machinetor rent, congenial offitm which offem iron on which to practice, (they received some coaching from H. Jacobs and a Mr, King, uni ton, who raced, anotner jo ror tne score. Beginning with the Rev. Isaac Penn, 1913-16; Alexander R. WILL CABE for chUdrtn my nmm working conditions and cutity.

Write vliv, ioiR-10 tnrric daya. U. laoi, n-mu, s.iaie journal jMease Turmn Smith who first preached in his Nebraska's other tally cams on VMldren reference with nnlir.tion Pivfrtr versity coaches at that time, and toric Ft, Winnebago in 1848, a uu-ov, vjviivD, 1 Call F. SflBO names or last 3 emwloywrs itkn A rrt loot Qfl total of 33 pastors have served 4. x-ny nunco, toot-oa, MAID, HELP for university coed house.

their football field had so many trees in it that playing there was the Methodist congregation dur unoa Pay. C. 8J94 be- and Paul B. White, the present cLEANElTSnd spotter winhe. to make fhort Dastor.

rhonm. make an offer, Wr te B-139. tween 8 and 8 ing its 100 years' history. a 42 yard sprint by Bill Moomey and Vacanti added the extra point from placement. Both Kansas touchdowns came on passes from Ray Evans, with Bud French taking the first scoring toss and Otto Schnellbacher the other.

Don Fambrough converted both times. The Portage Methodist church SALESMAN to call on MUng stations nd paragvs with fast selling article, Fxorllpnt opportunity for rmht man Write Ertd T. Schurke, 4HT 3rd ave. So, Minneapolis. Minn SALES representative, experienced "poT sition in fiospltal supply Aak for Mr.

Koiitka. Hotel Lorame. Monday. 10 tr 12 a or write S2.1 Stst St Madison. WELL-ESTABLISHED Is neeklng a representative in th Wisconsin area for the sale and distribution of Innins, electric appliances, novpltii-s, etc To the man aKeetd.

devoting all his time and effort, there is no reaion why he cannot rnjke from $7000 to $10,000 per year. A car i essential. Address replie. statins; qualifications, nee. marital t3'us.

sssT to Bok 38. 159 St Y. SALESMAN, fast toy deal. CnmmiM sion. WaUer Co, Minneapolis 14.

Minn. MAKE PIO money dally. Sell World' almost like playing hide and seek), but It had the enthusiastic backing and support of the entire city, including the university was organized under the minis During the present pastorate, state journal. waitresses wanted, 40-hour weeks, RO rifw mtunhers hava been re- REGISTERED nurse will offer service no night work, good starting wages, pdO new memoers nave oeen re- living quarters for self and paid vacations. Inquire Luncheon- ceived into the church, bringing ln Kjnd Wte K-, PtaUt ett.

counter, W. T. Grant 21 S. the total church membership to fr.Tw.,wL pinckmy. try of the Rev.

Mr. Mackintosh and in 1852, the Rev, John Bean wmtn urew many oi us own lanv ous stars from it. was appointed the first resident lyUtV. ti Fi WANTED FEMALE waukias, experience preferred, age After the challenge was ac nmtroTin 11 A lQ no ounaay worx. Apply in nOlVIfcSlIt I wrinn at fona Pafii ina Main St Fr.

Cantwell to Mark cepted and the national high limbed 4,., maid. school championship game set for Job Analysis Will hold a Special Industrial Must be good cook, Adults ween- manent position, must type and under-Management Institute on Job nda off- B. 43t stand musie. Apply to Mr, ward, see Christmas day in Detroit, Mr. Golden Jubilee Analysis and Evaluation frnm COMPETENT MAID for general nouw taie at.

Breese Stevens, then a member of the board of regents, obtained The Rev. Edward K. Cant- Mnnrlav thrmiaH TiVMow work. Must be abhi to cook. No SALESGIRLS wanted, 40-hour week.

nstitute to Meet The University of Wisconsin -7. 1 Mry. Your own room. o00d starting pay. Paid vacations.

permission for Central to prac well, who was born in Madison May 2, 1871, and sang his first nonuau nvc, nrr a tit xi mnmin or older air! to Pleasant work ina conditions. See Mr War Honk II. vervone rropect Riv-pvsldo. Box 14)19. Minnehaha Station.

Minneapolis. Minnesota PHARMACEUTICAL salesman" to'cai on doctors and hospitals, old estab- tice at Camp Randall, and to run Among the speakers who Will take complete charge of home while Wells, W. T. Grant Jl S. Pinckney.

solemn high mass here in St. i tnrough their plays in the uni versity gymnasium in the even Patrick's Catholic church, will extension division and the school of commerce, with the cd-opera tion of the Wisconsin Manufac-. turers under the direc Ih'hed hou'n: experienced preferred. ieau me discussion groups Will De parents or ii ana iu-jv-, juuku lauy. at to an years or age, W.

W. Klmmel, R. LeTour- dren wX ot with bookkeeping experience, to train neau. Peoria, D. D.

JmaVt-m tS ings when the university coaches car essential. Csll Mr CrandalL celebrate his golden jubilee as a priest in Chicago next Sunday. ii ii.iv im, could help them. And Henry Do Lescohier. professor of econom- Tiiyr'rw nr-rt io sd aT m.

to pincknev I.oraine Hotel, Sunday or Mon4ay, for Interview tion of Dr. Russell L. Moberly, He will offer a mass of thanks herty, then president of the Madi giving at St. Alphonsus church son Gas and Electric company and Spartans Edge ica at me university; Lincoln m. to do light nouseworn STENOGRAPHER for law offices.

Wickman, industrial engineer, lunch for 7-yr-old boy. No wasmng. pieagant mirroundings. Good starting Milwaukee' Foster Creviere 8 dav- 1759 fUr" -j lry. Call G.

470 or O. Ufil. Lee St and Wilfiam M. Hahies. of the and afterwards will be guest of later a millionaire utility man of honor at a banquet at the Con sniooLsiNSTwrmoNs is "UNCLE SAM'' JOBS! Start $.1021 year.

Paid vacation Mn. women Prepare Immediately for Wisconsin Thousands of permanent appointments expected voon Vet get norma, came forth as the ftnan cial "angel" for the trip. Every Penn State, 19-16 vti miuHwuii, nc-LDri lunis ana sxenoKrapner wun United States Employment Serv- dinner, or by the week. Writ R-Ul. mimeograph and file experience.

Good tinental hotel which will be. attended by clergy and laymen, Madison relatives who will at one else Madison went to the train to see the team off and was STATE COLLEGE, Pa. U.P.) preference. Farticulara FREE. Write Missouri Downs Iowa State, 33-13 ice, iviaqison; tu.

tu, OSS, employ- State journaju hours and pleasant surroundings. Wis. era' Milwaukee; Carl S. CATHOLIC, elderly lady for light consln State Chamber of Commerce, Enroth, Kearny and Trecker liTBu- nnm Wi AiKv Ti Sundays off. Live in or out.

1 N. Or- WARD-BRODT CO. bast opening for Twice beaten Michigan State R-43, State Journal. tend include four nephews and there to welcome them home GET AHEAD WITH' DIESEL their wives, Mr. and Mrs.

Joseph There were fourteen men on EWrvwhrre industry Is turnin to DIESEL for economical streamlined C. Sexton, Mr. and Mrs. F. Ger ard Sexton, Mr.

and Mrs. Wit Madison's team. Among them were the late Dr. Joseph Dean "r' chard, a. 1HJ3.

typist for general offir. work. Apply president of Albert Ramond and GrnxToR woman for light housework in person, 2ob state st Associates, Chicago, and Karl U. and care for a children aohool age. a.itta- staged a Merriwell finish Saturday for a thrilling 19-16 victory over Penn State and spoil what an an overflow crowd of 20,000 hoped would be a gala home COLUMBIA, Mo.

(U.R) The powyr. FiHilroads, irtifKa. tractors. liam B. Cantwell and Mr.

and Sm ass stnnt nrnfoasnr nt In- No Cotiklng. r. 3.1.11. factories. larHe and small power and Illihttn plants.

He ahead of the crowd Mrs. John Cantwell. dustrial psychology, university Tuesday: Wednesday nd 10 Mr' M-11 pvtf.ncinr, rfiwlcior, from 8:30 a. m. to I P.

m. Woman to ler, Loralne Hotel prepare for thin nppcrtunlty now. wno was captain, Dr. Art Curtis, said to have been one of the greatest tackles in history and who later was a famous coach, Dr, University of Missouri scored three times in rapid-fire order in the first period and added another pair of touchdowns in the fourth quarter to defeat Iowa State 33-13 coming. George Guerre, scatback, sparked the Westerners to three i hs-tiisiaBtamrir in wen aiu You can start learning Dieeel 1 tion and ma'ntjnanea while holdm ICE MAN HSMQI.

VN 1 1 I 1 IV MOV. .1 w. At the speakers table will be Leo T. Crowley, a family friend. Fr.

Cantwell, a Redemptorist, 1 Apply to Chef, Hotel Loralna. hom. F. 5748. touchdowns in the second half of narry neenan of stoughton.

El WOMAN to do cleaning once a week. AUTO MECHANICS a ding-dong struggle that was still has served in parishes and mis present Job If vou are inclined write for free fact T'tihtie nic-scl Trainin. R-127. State Journal MECHANICALLY minded "men look here Saturday in a Big Six game BODY MEN B. 6450.

mer "Beemus" Pierce, who was later a noted professional base- undecided in the last minute of AT ONCE Girl for general housework. Steady employment. Apply, Al Cor-Permanent. Own apartment with bath, nellus Koch Motors. Missouri's opening period scores came on a short sprint by Bus Advertising play, lie went 52 yards in the sions in St.

Louis," New Orleans, Denver, Portland, Grand Rapids, Detroit, and now is sta ballplayer, a Dr. Luke Donkle who Into refrigeration and air condition i o. i uiArir in sr rnnni i vr a uiniauii i. third period for the first Michi now lives in Chicago, and Earl WANT AD RATES i prAntni i. ing as a nrofitahle futu'w career.

Write Utilities Int R-124. State i rmn mr.wi iyi it a. in vw jii c. aiui wMKiirr riHi usntr itir iuuii gan State score, and a few minutes tioned at Villa Redeemer, Glen- bcnreioer. And "little Jim Jack PtlS Jou'rna? SSltll tZ.2W"' Journal Entsminger, a 76 yard dash by Howard Bonnett and a 27 yard pass from Jimm Darr to Bonnett.

The final period tallies came on a 12 yard dash by Lee Bowman and now Dr. James Jackson of later went 43 more to set up the second touchdown. Fullback Stan Sinele Journal rates on annlloation pnons.t-. r-' I vean- view, 111. He la a brother of Mrs, Charles O'Neill, formerly of Mad i tynrrcn-vcvraxro nnnic wanted lor i ers ana Liunarv.

iurt neceni the Jackson cumc, was mascot uouii a o-ieuer woras to me iin, r-r APTS-IlOfJSES WANTED 1 I OR 6-ROOM home or apartment. Permanent Madison resident F. 803 ison, now of Ann Arbor, Minimum ad 3 lines. a-room apannwni uttuHicu erecrors waniea I Szieradski scored both of the Spartans other scor i 1 nA hnma vkfffhtft. Ex lfan.l..M Tir1 1 A Came the big day in Detroit a.

DAYS I cellent pay. Apply apartment 307. piy to Warden-Allen construction and of Mrs. K. Emmet Kane of St, Louis.

a one yard plunge by im Austin, Ray Klootwyck, Iowa State fresh ing both times from one yard out, before 5 W7VET and wife wsnt liht house- J- site, corner Wa'ihington and Garfield Ave" Mrh. Merihe Net irM Claridw tiotei, suna.y i Ave. In the waning minutes, Penn man, accounted for both of his HOUSEKEEPER wanted. $t00 month. Menasha.

Wis. were Louis Schiller, $75 and costs State pushed Michigan State deep team's touchdowns. 18 to 2DI4I 1 is 1 nst ana uni 4 flfl aas Own room nicely furnished. Near nus MAN to handle our washing and pol then, and two and a half feet of snow had to be removed from the gridiron before the game could be played." And while the snow was being removed the team mates of Lawrence E. iirennan, S7a and into its own territory, and the 21 to 25151 1 45 1 301 3 60 251 6 08 5 45 line.

Work is not nara. tail u. ww- immg department. Apply In person 26 to 30161 1.74 1551 4 32 3 901 7 29 6 55 lng distance call collect. to Erv.

Sepzke. Madison Motors. Spartans yielded a safety to safe costs, and Charles D. Teasdale, $100 and costs. Brennan also was St to 85171 2 03 1.851 5.04 4.551 851 7.65 MAID for university girls' house.

At- 332 WJohnsonSt. guard their slim lead. Penn State Earl Schreiber got together and ri.tai-mm.rf tractive hours and wages. Older worn- MAN to wash dishes nd help In Three Drivers Fined on Tipsy Counts Abov rates were fined $10 and costs for driving kitchen. Capital Hotel.

framed up on him. Earl, it is totaling th twa n.n.rr nnt. rate will De consioerea. scored twice in the first half, first on a pass from Elwood Pet- without a license. said, was a great guard, but quite and deducting 25.

and cover ooni Buy Victory Bonds and Stamp WAREHOUSEMAN-DRIVER. Oppor- Drivers who forfeited bail were Three tipsy drivers were fined last week in Blooming Grove jus chel to Wallace Triplett'and later on an off -tackle thrust from the kecping room Call F. 9791 STATE EMPLOYEE and wife need apartment, furnished or tinfurnUhed. No children or pets 7733 STATE employee and husband desire 8 or 3-room apartment. funished.

Phona Attorney General'! off.ee. B. SlOOjext 34 EX-MARINE and veteran wife, non-students, both employed, no children or pets, desire apartment. G. 3W7.

VETERAN "student and working wife desire 2 or 3-room firnrihed or unfurnished apartment, G. 5301, 8-4 m. YOUNG COUPLE, both veterans, desire furnished, unfurninhed apartment. Both permanf-ntlv employed, reisdenta. Rrferinre.

1342 Tpvm Cn 010 Main state, commercial advertising within HELP VVANTE sny, ana ne was lacing a guard which had been picked as the Nick W. Peshel, $10 for speeding nn traaing zone. Kates for outside this tice court and six other traffic COUNTER and grill men. 55c an hour Vincent Piper, $10 for speeding, one by Bobby Williams. Ed Cze- area on request STENOGRAPHER Must be able to to start.

Raises frequently. Meals greatest guard in the history of Eastern teams. His teammates and Harvey Mraz, $15 for unlaw kaj, substitute end, converted both NON-COMMERCIAL AOS v. i nli sonsral office and linens furnishert Stralffht Khifl. violators were ordered to forfeit bail and pay fines totaling $60 by Vnr film TTn 10 Itaiic T.

r.i-I I m'jji. ii" nTl. ful operation. Brtino W. Kantz times.

itv'wn unt.ua., i i. nnp n-, a nns linn n.ircrei ictil i iuuu i i ii i nnx mb I I .1 1 1 decided they would "get dirty" with him and give him the im lS. "rry? f.mi n- working conditions-; 1327 University 15 MEN was fined $10 and costs for unlawful operation and Norman Kuehni paid a $5 and costs fine amak tfiw nrtll m.hlUk.il i. lVf3. pression that his opposition was Justice Irving L.

Johnson in the community's drive to stop traffic accidents. The tipsy drivers and their fines i AtTivmBVWsTinerienced pre 20 to WS NEED YOU FOR NIGHT WORK Farm Prices Soar in Madison Area, tne Ilrst aav and in reeular elasaifl. icrieu uui hui uvo.jr. for the same offense. Get premium pay.

We have Insurance doing it, so as to get his ire up and make him play more furiously. And it worked. Before the cations for balance of order. versa! Laundry, 1226 Regent for needed ana hospitalization plans. Personal Other davs 5 n.

dav nreeodraff YOUNG WOMEN CaU 2431 APARTMENT urgently young employed couple. aftr 8 pm. lockers and shower rooms. Apply to kurrecuons ana cancellations tor a iod wun a tuiure irrn Broker Says game was over the "greatest guard in the history of Eastern For Sun Up to 3 p. m.

Saturday. SWITCHBOARD OPERATOR utate workers, desire tir- 2 GIRLS Mr leany, employment office, 8 a. to 4:30 p. m. OSCAR MAYER it CO.

For Mon. Before 8:30 a Monday Earn $25 per week to start (40 hourat unfumf-hed apartment. Call nlslid Prices of farms in the Madison Other Iva 1 -Clfi nvavarflnA Cr.nllMil InPTVUIIM thereafter. NO X' 'Degree Days' Chart Reflects Amount of Fuel Burned 3050 4:30 p. m.

teams looked like a rank ama teur before Schreiber's "magnifi IMPORTANT perlence necessary Call or see Mn MAN with car to supervise news- area have risen to an average of about $200 an acre compared with cent so it is said. After ad is ordered It cannot be Vetter. Monday tnrougn enaay, nunn ucuveiy ruui.es. txperi- (ianp.li.il ne rhmuH i-vv. to m.

I ence advantageous but not essential S175 an acre last year and $123 Hon, I vvlaUiJIMail1 I M.r.rnufc ww. I cmnn wuin wun iui At any rate, Madison High won, the game 14 to 0 and was de The season is fast approaching for the decade. Remember that in 1940, T. B. Peterman, Madison fttnrm MnriM I 11 Faircnila iunniini.

wrue n-ii, aiaie Weekdays excent Sat. ta a ml MOTISFWTVES warm spell and the cold weather broker announced at the annual clared the national champions Saturday 8 a. to 4 o. m. and STOCK CLERK wanted.

Good salary that followed? Closirs time for commercial ada RTtmENT. WTVE9 steady employment, opportunity for convention of the Wisconsin Association of Real Estate boards In among nign scnoot football teams (Don't say we didn't warn you The winter of 1936 lingers in differ from above end will be fur. WnrV nart time at our soda fountains adancement. Brown Book Shop the memory as particularly cold Milwaukee. wacine Washington Park!) pisnea qi request from 10 to I p.

m. aan.v. umtorma and tne degree day total shows "People are beginning to get a ADJUSTMENTS furnished and laundered no expert- SHOEMAKER WANTED Claims for a'Mustmenta and refunds ence necessary. Good wages. Apply at Good salary.

Varatlon with na An. 8,088 for that year. Tempera Another famous Madison hicK little apprehensive," he said. muni oe innue wiinin 111 aayi mor (i- mc-in iNcriumvi imu a iuut.j piy. ui nupair department tures were continually below MADISON NEEDS Nur.Rs need an apartment on or before January Istfl Can you help? Cal F.

3000. Nurses' Dormitory. Miss Nau son or Mathwig. RESPONSinLE couple with boy. age 21.

and girl 23, need $-room or flat. Will decorate. B. Mr. Werner.

VETE AN and wife miiVt'hsve "roorA or more apartment. Both Mrs. Miller. 4-5 ROOM unfurnished "apartment or house 3 adults, mother and 2 daughters (state employees). 7528 eves STUDENT, veteran and employed ife, urgently need apartment.

No children, no smoking or drinking. Call 2253 after 5pm I AM GOING to he born In November Need apartment for mvself and parents Harrassed expectant father, though veteran graduate aitint. Isn't having much luck. Call B. 3U.V Ave.

MAN to work comhln.t(on groc.Vy freezing for 39 days, beginning vi m. rruuiiiicr risscrvvsa 1 paw vr. nMiitniiwi.v, right to relect any ad and aseumea no iXEVATOR girl Apply to Mr. Mali 550 W. Washington football story is about how, after defeating the University of Wisconsin team one year, it took the Jan.

15 and lasting through Feb The remarkable thing about farm deals in Dane county, he said is that they have been on a cash basis or nearly so. Cash transactions of $25,000 are not in store and meat market, (tood wages. Apply In person at Oscar Mazvirsky'a. 301 West Mifflin. vBiiiaiutiiiy iur veroiji luwiiivnii I.oraine Hotel conflict with established rules, policies -T 22, and there were other cold and rates, or for errors after first In great and famous Pat O'Dea to win the game for the university spells early in January and late Apply to Laundry Manager.

Hotel Lo- ROOFING and siding raine. Some experience necessary Durfea in February as well eruon, PHONE BADGER 7670 The Want Ad Number frequent. agamsi jviaaison high tne next EXPERIENCED millinery aleswom 1804 S. Park. F.

4558. But even 1936 was not as bad an. Permnnent and steady position. I HERDSMAN on a farm year. The game was deadlocked in "Many professional men are still buying farms in this region as a 'safety investment', often 5 Apply to Mrs.

KeUenberg. 2nd Floor, near Madison. Barn equipped with as January, 1912, when there were nine continuous days, from PERSONALS 1 ii nuia n-iau. oiftia juur DRIVING to Seattle. about Oct.

the 4th through the 12th, when NIGHT WAITRESS nal. when the family furnace opens its maw all too often to snap down a ton or so of the best (it must be from the price) anthracite coal and the disturbed householder looks to the degree days to get a notion of what has been going on. "Degree days" sounds like a tough term, but it really isn't so difficult to understand. The weather bureau, you see, figures that the avernge building is kept at 70 to 75 degrees during the day and allowed to drop to 55 to 60 at night. Most days, it is warmer in the afternoon than in the night, and, if the temperature attains an average of 65 degrees for the day, the weather bureau assumes that no heat has been turned on.

Degree Days Explained So there aren't any degree days to worry about. But. if the average for the day was 60. instead of 65, you subtract the average from the 65 degree normal and come up, in this instance, with 5 degree days for that day. leaving the sellers as tenants," he scoreless tie with three minutes left to play when O'Dea punted 75 yards, Madison High's safety Z3.

Take 3 passengers. Call Q. 2261 GOOD WAGES GOOD HOURS BUTCHER, for all around work want- the temperature was below zero said. 2 GIRLS would like ride to Minne Apply led at once. Good Halarv.

Annlv f'llv and the thermometer stayed be J. S. Miller, 3821 Hammersley apolis about October 23. G. 3836.

man iumDiea, and Wisconsin re SHAREN'S IIS E. MIFFLIN Market. Mauston. Wis. low the freezing mark the en was reelected as a director VETERAN nnd wife, permanent Madison rc-identy desire apartment or home.

No children or pets. Call Mr J. Grlnde. 2811. W.

STl'DENTr employed wife, be oxuuni wants woman pianist to CASHIER CHECKER ROUTE SALESMAN tire month of the organization. covered in the end zone for touchdown, winning the gam to 0. The degree days in that one Hievwi-v wiiii occasionally, uaynmes position of responsiDiuty in large eu- Apply in person. Madison Clean SJ.v1?o o.eetd ot be Per market. Experienced prfrred Towe.

1914 Winnebago St Write R-138. State Journal. but not necessary. Apply PIGLY MAi MAM Are you looking for Santa Claus? WIGGLY SUPER MARKET. I860 E.

METAL 'Ab month soared to 1,977, more than a fourth of the total for an aver, ing evicted by unreasonahle landlady, need 2 3 or 4-room apartment. No late parttca but d'1 have vlitore in occasion ally Permanent resident. Please call F. 3081 after 6 m. Among the other captains of Central's football teams through Dr.

Ralph Hilgert Opens Office Here age year, rou win lino mm on the back of all vvsninron. conditions. Inaulre Pollock Borlv Shoo Checker Cabs-Compliment, of CASEY WpERIENCED WAITRESS wanted. m4 Roth P' Sc O'BRIEN. Aoolv in person.

Uphoff's Spanish 5 Degree day figures give some 75 JOBS uie years were tne following with present dav well-known nama. clue to the amounts of coal that DRIVING Oklahoma City November 4. OPEN NOW Returning same week. New car. can I WAITRESS wanted to work at Dutch FOR MEN 18-45 you may expect to burn, but Dr.

Ralph M. Hilgert, a mem ber of the school children's den 'Keckie" Moll, Harold Lampert, accommodate 4. References. F. 872.

Maid. Girls throuch school and mar- tv. nrnr.eCin ur. ixi lormey, laddie Corcoran, there are other variables which complicate the picture enough to WANTED 2 bedroom aoartrnent or house. RESPONSIBLE FAMILY, of 3 adults sr.d Sjirl.

asje 7. A-l qualifications. 650. Ext 10. djvs PAUL DIDN'T take it for granted that "ied venlngs ot our many departments! Time and a his hearers already believed Jesus after 6.

Ca'I F. 408. i half for any overtime work. Life in- was the Son of God, as sincere, be- WAITRESS for coffee shop, straight surance, group hospitalization plans In wiuiam Maher, Oscar Teckemev tal clinic of the Madison board of health for 17 years, has opened a dental office at 319 N. Park st.

make exact measurement dim- er, 'Cap" Julius Krue. Montv cult, such as sun and wind and McCormick, and Jerry Femal. neving preachers sometimes do today, morning tnm. Appiy neaawanres, snegi. ana snower rooms, hot say 7th Day Baptists.

B. 531. Capitol Hotel. cafeteria meals served at minimum the type construction of a house He was discharged from army service recently. Experience has shown there is a definite correlation between the tTAtmi a r-r ia oe at I cost laxe a iviorin inreet pus direct BUSINESS PERSONALS The importance of wind is con ta our main o.t.

XT, Designed by a Berlin arr-hiwt (Continued rollowins rasas Associated with Dr. Hilgert Mlgn scnooi graduate wun commw- Employment Office. 8 siderable. It has been shown CURTAm STRETCHING. 3-day Kjv- "i'ini.

We will train you on a. Also launderlne table linens, bed j.w innn.i..t nnuinn ir 14.30 p. m. number of degree days in any jjiven period and the amount of that, with a moderate wind, an ne wall-plastic fireproof house can be erected in eight hours without help carpenters and it will be Dr. R.

W. Baker. Both dentists spent part of their army average bunding will lose fuel burned, and the device gives manufacturers a means of check r. zona Bank, I S. pinckney.

EXPERIENCED GROCERY CLERK. service at Truax Field. much heat in an hour at 32 de VETERANS WANT JOBS PACKAGE DELIVERY SERVICE I IMMEDIATE! OPENING Practical luu No ntte or Sunday work. UOHT MOVING tmci shorthand and I SbUlty Hlcl" Shop, ing with some accuracy on their equipment. Use of the formula was also valuable during the war wi.i.ci i innwar en a.

oow tn tvna well only exrjerienca reoulreg. rlnter: or GI SPENCER GARMENTS Will give you complete training in real UNO OPERATOR and estate and Insurance office. Perma- to learn under bill of rl( ghts. PRESS. Individually designed.

IS years ex in determining how much fuel perience Call Sarah Wieeel. F. 4549. nent Write R-112. State Journal, tupon, wis was to be allocated to certain 119 North Butler St.

YOUNG WOMAN experienced for SHEET METAL worker. Steady work ydUNC, WOMEW Here's Opportunity! Learn Operating! ALARM CLOCK BEPATR SERVICE I general drue store work. Day hours with eood future for dependable and areas on the basis of the num. ber of local degree days. WE service all clocks to your satis- if preferred.

Salary $30 per week. I experienced man. W. O. Zimmerman The Wisconsin State Journal uras employers to read the Employment Wanted ads below and select a auaiifwd veteran tor the lob Veterans of World War are ofteiea this service without rharire.

Degree day totals have been faction. 811 spalght St. r. 8278. write -ut, atate journal.

'i 9i VACtnTM CLEANERS r.mlr.it DISHWASHER TO MEN OF GOOD CALIBER kept at the Madison weather bu Prnmnt efficient eervlce. Pick-un and NlBht shift. Apply in person at Dl The production of hospital and med- delivery. Cleaners for sale. J.

J. Moore. Salvos. 810 Regent St. lcal apparatus requires skilled crafts- reau for nearly a half century, and the results are interesting.

The average number of decree grees outside temperature as it i will on a completely still day when the temperature is zero. As for the sun's heat, tests in Boston indicate that even in New England, northerly as it is, enough sunshine is received on 100 square feet of glass window facing south so that, if properly absorbed, it will yield heat equal to that which could -be obtained from burning more than a ton of the best anthracite coal at the greatest efficiency. Temperatures this year have, been above expectations, the degree day chart for the year indicates. There was one degree day in July; 22 in August, and 132 in September, for a total of 155 degree days in contrast to the normal 173. CASH or scrap gold, rings, dental.

I EXPERIENCED WAITRESS WANTED I sentlal to luraeon nurse and etc. Anvthlnff. vellow or white. Madi-1 Good wages and pleasant working sentiai to tne surgeon, nurse, ana vv a riiiunnni unritpr 2 VETERANS desire part time wortt Tuesday through Friday. 4 1 to 11 sonwatch Shop.

314 E. Wilson. cona.tions. xeny esxauranv w. 1.

renowned both na- Ideal working conditions, Low cost meals tn eur modera eafeterku Pleasant associates. No experience needed. $25.00 weekly to start (5-day week) Regular salary Increases assure higher earnings. days for the past 10 years, for instance, is 7,312, giving little credence to the old argument m. Mondays ana saiuruaya 1 ttcA-Atn oners tne mosxi aii ror i vynuntja iur vs tlonwtde ana abroaa tor its manutac fi, me.

can nai. ass. tor auna- tree Vacuum cleaner and health dero- I Restaurant, 508 E. Wilson. turlng excellence, which now, because onstratlon.

Call Max Crow, F. 6218. qirls for candy and fountain work, of expanding facilities, requires ad- that "the winters used to be cold SPENCER SUPPORTS I sunaays on. i-rease appiy iiiu. uiuuim mn tui.

i i weal, ivioui. i West Main. designed. Up to date Badger Candy Kitchen. 7 Individually er when I was a kid." That's because the average for the period from 1904 through last year MACHINISTS training.

Call Nellie Lypch, 612 E-1 WOMEN and girls, an excellent op- I wrm.n.r.1 luorlr 3F 1 nn unuu, win i. ortuntty for permanent Gorham. G. 1168 DRILL PRESS OPERATORS MUSIC graduate will teach piano In Laundry, 731 E. Dayton St cuirii-r niCTit.

vufiriw it.h; strom VETERAN wants apprentlci'ship tn refrigeration or electrical appluncee under C.l bill. Some experience- B. 5910. Gilbert Braund. VETERAN who eventually "wants to owit g.isollne service station desire on-the-job trainin tn same.

Arthur Crowley, ni4 HolliterSt.F. 3l. VETERAN;" mai ried. would like svorV. General office, stockroom, experience! painter.

Etieible 4 years on-the-)o training. Write Box K-fei3. Ihows 7,405 degree days. Last Year Mild Last winter was mild, the ta your home or mine. B.

3943 before I ASSISTANT salad girl. Good hours. METAL POLISHERS good py. Apply In person at Park Vou would like to be a part of Excellent Opportunity For Former Employes Coll or apply to Mn. Vetter Monday through Friday Wisconsin Telephone Co: 17 Fairchild Badger 520 ble shows, with 7,115 degree days I really vital manufacturing unit, and RELIEF COOK: part-time assistant! If you feel qualified to fill one of the mnli! Hishulnr and trav inner-1 above oneninsa.

Dlease eet in touch And the first part of October has added heavily to the total. RUG WEAVING COLONIAL WEAVERS G. 4942 listed for the year, and the year before was remarkable for hav There have been 154 more de visor. Over 18 years of age. Apply to with F.

E. Buvge. The Ohio Chemical ir.g the most degree days in May gree days from the first of the DUMP TRUCK, tractor and trailer for rent ot lease. Write R-132, State Journal. dietician.

Madison General Hospital, and Manufacturing Co iwu tu. wain B. 5320. I lngton Madison, Wia. and June and the least in March month through Thursday, 4 ai.

t.vSiiivl v. vaiiva vMvUat.jiivl ai 01 nn jftn, itiiifi.vi-evd riri. 1 i a a va.

Wisconsin State Journal from Madison, Wisconsin (2024)
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Name: Tuan Roob DDS

Birthday: 1999-11-20

Address: Suite 592 642 Pfannerstill Island, South Keila, LA 74970-3076

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Job: Marketing Producer

Hobby: Skydiving, Flag Football, Knitting, Running, Lego building, Hunting, Juggling

Introduction: My name is Tuan Roob DDS, I am a friendly, good, energetic, faithful, fantastic, gentle, enchanting person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.