The Sandusky Star-Journal from Sandusky, Ohio (2024)

A1LT OTAB, EDNBt fOUTELY DECLINED. President McKlnley Will Not Accept Third Term. NIPPED THE FURORE IN THE BUD. Ttat Hit Only Ambition to Serve His Seroid Term lie. turn to the Banks of Privute Cltl.

UDkhlp-- HU Utterauoet Commended HU Political Friends. Washington, June 12 --President McKinley has put a quietus on the third term talk, which gained some currency in the newspapers through Interviews with certain well known Republicans favoring the renomina tlon of the president for a third term Shortly before the cabinet meeting adjourned Secretary Cortelyou gave to the press a signed statement by the president announcing that the president is not a candidate for a third term. Following is the prcsi dents statement in full I regret that the 'uisijestlon of a third term been made I doubt wlietber I inn called upon to give It uotki but there arc now questions of tin jcrmest Importance befoit the administration ami tht uiuutn and their just t-Ouslderution should not bt pwjuiii ed in tut. public mind by even the SUbpiciou of thought of a third term In view therefore of the reiteration of the i'f It, 1 will sij now once for all reusing a Ion 0 utled conviction that I not only am not and will not be candidate for third term but would not auept a nomination foi It If It nere tend deiel Mi onjv ambition is to i niv second i to the ncepptame of i whose ginpioua twill denu I so deeply appreciate and thin with them to do niv duty in the tanks of private citizenship The presidents intimate personal and political friends express them selves as not surprised at the decision announced, but quite generally con cede that they had nto expected such an announcement at this time, think mg the president nould not so quick take heed of the third term gossip hey said, that they be- ved the president had shown exec! it political judgment by crushing i third term movement in its birth Approved by Hanna. Cleveland, June 12--With refer -e to President McKinlej refusal be considered a candidate for a rd term Senator Hanna said It is jt what I expected the president ould say, if he said anything at all the subject Asked if he was in favor of maintaining the precedent established by President Washington in reference to the number of years the chief executive should hold office, Mr Hanna said "I don't think the precedent set by Washington has a great deal to do with the matter But there is undoubtedly a strong sent! ment among the people against such a proposition" Night Parade of Nobles.

Kansas City, June since the Democratic national convention have so many visitors from all parts of the United States been in Kansas City as are gathered here to attend the twenty seventh national meeting of the Nobles of the Mystic Shrine, and gorgeously appareled Arabs crowd the streets With moinmg and night parades a session of the Imper lal council and sightseeing Shrineis spent an exceedingly busy day The climax of the was the elab orate night natade of the Shnners through the principal streets the sidewalks of which were crowded with people Students Sueoended. Wheeling June 12--The faculty oJ Bethanj college suspended the entire junior class until Fob 1,1902 becaust the juniors recentlj broke up an en tertamment held by the freshmen The students suspended are flora Ohio Pennsylvania West Virginia Indiana Illinois and Kentucky then names being Bowman Israel Erskine Marshall Green Shroutz Oldham Evans Kent. Miller and Cans The tenors and sophom*ores resent the facu'tv action and a number of them it is reported will not return to Bctham next vear MNT HQVAL DtiAlTilL Were CWiMd by the Mine Exptotion. Port Royal, June 12--The Immediate result of the awful catastrophe caused by explosions In the Pitts burg Coal company's mines Is 16 deai bodies, set en Injured, besides the destruction of thousands of dollars worth of property Twelve of the dead were men who went Into the mine as rescuers What caused the explosion and lews of life Is something the mine Inspectors are yet unable to find out Officials of the Coal company declare that none but regulation mine lamps were used, while others are of the opinion that one of tbe men carelessly Ignited the gas The explosion was terrific, and for fully three hours after It happened no one entered the shaft Harvard Student Killed. Cambridge Mass, June 12--H Bigelow of Buffalo, a freshman at Harvard was instantly killed by a chemical engine of the Cambridge flro department in the run to (.

fire The students claim the driver deliberately drove his engine into the crowd Big elow nas caught under the wheels Other students ivere krocked donn but weie not hurt -oon as the slu dents realized what happened the made a wild demonstration but cool heads maintained control and the fire men returned to their stations None Mourn For the Actress. Chicago June 12--It is said the actress known as Rose who was killed at the Great Northern ho tel by her husband was Rose Le Febre, who came to America about six years ago with a German opeia companv No one has appeared to take charge of her remains and it is possible she may find a grave in the potters field The inquest on the bodv of Louis Hartman. who killed himself after shooting the woman, is being held His father will come from New York Constitution Not In the Oath. Manilla June 12--The act organ izmg the courts has been passed by the United--States Philippine commis sion The judges oath does not in elude support of the constitution of the United States Commissioner Ide, author of the act opposed the mclu sion of this feature and the othei commissioners did not insist iUat it should be included Storm at Pittsburg. Pittsburg June 12--A terrific electrical storm accompanied by a high wind and heavy ram passed over this section doing much damage to prop erty and causing the death by light ning of Francis Norns, 17, at Home stead The same bolt struck three houses in Jhe vicmitj Rubies Seized.

New ork. June 12 --Unset rubies to the value of 19 000 "francs were seized by custom house inspectors in a room in the Grand Union hotel oc cupied by two young Belgians The jewels were brought to this country by them Mav 27 from Antwerp Fought a Draw Alexandria Ind June 12 --George Monroe of Chicago and Gus Bezcnah of Cincinnati fought 20 ounds to a draw before tbe Alexandria club MOW OHIO OariMnd In Buckeye Why Wlsk Resigned. Youncstown. June 12 --The rei- linatlon of Henry Wick from the pres Ideacy of the National steel company was caused, It Is said, by the decision ol the United Statei Steel corporation not to locate the headquarters of the National Steel company here Mr Wick says be expects to continue to act as chairman of the executive com mlttee of the National Steel company It Unexpected, that his complete retirement from the trust will soon occur and that he will be at the head of the new independent steel concern in this valley To Enjoin Picketing. Hamilton, 0.

June 12--Officials and lawyers for the Niles Tool works company to Dayton to apply to Judge Kumler for an injunction to restrain the striking machinists from picketing their plant and interfering with and intimidating men who wish to return to work Judge Kumler re cently granted such an injunction In the case of the striking metal polish ers at Dayton The Niles people say that 300 of their men will resume work if the picketing is broken tip Killed by Live Wire. Marietta June Lncj Hanna bookkeeper of the Marietta Register was instantly killed bv a shock from a live wire on an candescent lamp Haavj electrical storms put the transformer out of or der Miss Hanna stepped on an iron door bill with the heavily charged wue in her hand and was killed 11 stantlv Miss Hanna was well known in educational circl and was for merlj a teac the Marietta com meicial college Jerkins Floored Sharxsy Clei eland June 12--Central ar morv was packed by from 8 000 to 10 )00 people to the wrestling match between Tom Jenkins the champion of -Ymcrica and Tom key of New York Jenkins flooicd ice ith an upright double nelson hold, the first round in 19 mm utes and the second round in 21 mm utes Sharkey showed gieat strength and skill THE MARKETS Serious Charge. Steubenvllle June 12--Edward McDonald 23, a brick) ard employe was held for trial on a cha-ge that wi'I send him to the penitentiary for life if proved He is accused of as saultmg Rosa Quaigg 11 also of hav ing outraged an older sister and at tempting to outrage a 9 yeac-old sister was drunk at tbe time Hay In Hanna's Town. Cleveland June 12--Secretary of State Hay arrived here from. Wash ngton and after a brief visit with lei attves this citj will go to Buffalo sp nd a few days He expects to retuin to Washington Monday Mrs Hay who reached the city several davs ago will go to the Hay summer home in Hampshire Drowned Woman Identified.

Loran 0 June 12 --The name of the oman found here last week en tangled in a fishnet is Minnie Curtiss Sbc ab i POK on tbe Maumee Valley and yeiibiied with the c-ew when the scbooiei was wieckfd near Point Peke last November The relatives of woman aie not known Spanish Cortes Opened Madrid Tune 12 --The queen regent accompanied the king opened corUs 111 0 spcetli flora the thront alluded to this beini thp last time she open ptitiamont asa the legeuo terminator i i lela tionfa i pionounced to be cxctl lent The should lUe'f io oiltnating good lela tionb i Spanibh i i a (oun tries Sit ps had bi ei taKon toward com hiding a tn aties with Argentina and otbci South American otates Women Barred Minneapolis June will not be idmittcd to munbeisbip in the Minneapolis ihambu of tornmeice Thib decision is the. icsult of the ap I Illation of i Passmoie for membership bhc is engaged in the tain busnesb in this and has betn suc-issful The membership i oaimiUee favored her but the major of the directois voted against hci Came Home to Die Colorado Springs June 12 --Percy MeEliath foimerly timtcd States con aul at Turin Italv airived in Colo rado Springs in the last stages of con sumption and died two hours later Mr McElrath was accompanied by his wife Only a few weeks ago he was compelled to return from Italy on account of failing health Hot In Chicago ChicagJ June 12--This city experienced tht highest temperature of the year Tuesday, 89 degrees and at the game time the humidity was extreme ly high, reaching 92. There were six Gram and Stock Prices For June 11 CJivtland Battle Good to choice dry i stepr 51 1 and a i 2 ia good lo lioice fed ta UOfa'i 111 i li ilf fat OUO to 1 -00 Ib i $4 fan to best heifers 5 7 i 4 i to i vtra cows 7j, inns i ind I to cli ici i vcarlingx $4 7 i 4 Sj i to MWd 75 lulls and minion Ml oo to ihoin ttctlici sheep Otyi4 In fan lo good $1 7 1)11 ouil shell 53 lfi i t( culls and iijuimoii $2 (HVi i 00 lambs, good lo clioiu iwn a i tootl 04VM. 00 i a i to best i i i mculmnx. ind i i 111 I lljc ir, I i tiOOil to prllm i i MlOlj to medium $4 5d 'l't i i and PI! i S.I Sj i tiWaW l- (.

Wu innrr-, Uli i- lo bull- Ul)a4 i f( $4 i i i S- 7-, i s. aliii i mil is i iui i i i )u i4 li) i I i i i uilxi lo'i IXI I I i 111 51 i i J4 IKK-1 111 i i I 4 WK; II I (HI li II i I 0 1 i i I i i i In I -I) 1 HlJ tl IM II) i J. SIVdl, 0 i a i I ,11 i i i 4 ii 1 nil i a i I ill lo il i i but tn S4 tnl if rs fur ut I 1 nils ,.1 Hi lo i i i 4 I I I lint bi bull vl ijitH SK i ill I i I in In M'lHl I I i i 4 ijij Slu i in I unbs 1 lamb 1 i a i i S4 I CMI nils in 1 minmi -l eil sh 11 I I 11 4 nil IHI'I I ilu i .) M) 1 mil i i st i UH dim is Ui IM 1. i 1 i I i i nth i i i ID io iw I pi inn 'v I 11 I I li birs 4. li i SI 0 li i iml stags i olK(il i i t) f't.

if) Siu j) in I ii I li i 1 i fa 40 i i I i 11 i i i i 4 i Mull on 1 nil I pi 1 i 1 I i 1 rin SO 1 i i i MJ 1 I'll 1 i 51 1 (I i li li i. 17' llv I Itlil I I bnlU 71 I 1 i Mil i i sj I i $4 Yi i nulls vt it i i i ill- 4 1)11 I 7 lixjj, a i I i i i I orn Outs in in i i li i No il i i Oati 2 tnli'd til i I 40 Itulk i Uai i cs $.2 Oj bx "IXl 7 i Boston 001 Ohio mil I a i i fleeces nnd and above nnd nboip dpi line, 28c 1 coniblnt J3e No 2 and lilood 25e ooarse and braid ashed roledo lieat 71 1 corn 4dc 28( rte Mi i i seed Jfe 50 Baltimore Butter fcgris--I bb 13 Pound Dead In Her Bedroom; Newark June 12--Mrs William Root o7 was found dead Ijing on tbe floor of hei bedroom She was the wife of a well known grain dealer, had not been feeling well for some time but retired in her usual health Mr Root was her fourth husband Old Soldier Drowned Sanduskj June 12 Reiber bl of Bucyrus 0, was found dead in a pond the Soldiers Home grounds The presumption that he fell into the water and drowned Dnr ing the civil war Reiber sen ed in the Eighth Ohio Volunteer infantry Kaiser's Purpose Not London, June 12--Lord Cranborae, the under foreign secretary replying to a auestion in the house of com mons as to whether Germany meant to maintain a large mjhtan forae at Shanghai said the government under stood Geimany intended to continue keeping a garrison there Iso cxpla nation had been by Germany as to why she had concluded to follow this polio The Weather for Ohio--Fair in southern show ers tn northern portions soi aheast erlv winds THIS AND THAT Telegraphic Intelligence of in Tabloid Form Mrs M( Kinlcv continue 1 to im lomado i i a havot Adrian Minn lives lost Robherv of inral mail boxes ipport ed from 1 oudonville 0 Violent thimdcistoim phased ovei northern Ohm Tuesdav Cvclone struck la Much damage to propertv resulted Lerov DunninK (7 a veteran, sui cided ar Ciaardon vvtth a revolver Denis Sworn" craef of fire partment at Chicago over 50 years, has reslened Miss Mabel Burt indicted on counts for larceny at Smith oollefo dormitories Northampton, Mass Jose De Tarcsa Miranda appointed minister of Mexico to Austria, thus renewing diplomatic relations sus pended many Samuel Goodman clerk tn Chi cago postofllce, arrested on charge of robbing mails Had several letters in his pockets Wile and two children. Salary THE BURNJN6 Of Col. Crawford-Doc NwtM stated at Anniversary. s-dav was the anniversary of burning of Col Ciawford at the stake the and Delaware tribes of Indians Tle 'ate has Leeo made the oujbion for an annual observance the event in Crawford Wyandot and othci counties and this ear was no exc'ption Monuments have been erected commemorating from ear to jear, at iio tlnn fou 1 mon iments have been erec ed it i the pioneers of the gather annually and hold ap- I opiiate sen ices Cul Crawford a native of Penn mm and under a commission from Gen Washington with a handful of men narcled against the Wyaudot- vvho committing depredations and killn pioneers on the fronti-i Crawford's band nas surprised at right iv a supenor force of Iidlars re enfoiced by British allies The Ci in fold forces fell back under of night but became scatteiea and Col a was captured He was tor tmid and bmnod at the stake lime 1 1 A compinlon Dr Knight vv 1 is with him i the honoi ard making his escape cat lied tV pn ticulars to their old vania home Ci an ford ten niles north of 1 poi Sandaakv a monster picnio was given vesterdaj by the Pioneer asso- tntmn of cauntj thousand people were piesent and sppeehes made 05 Judge Smallej lion Finlev of Bite) us Ton Norton of Tiifin and otheis SOLDIERS' HOME.

Cap of the Registei ms that i 1 onl) took So mirutes to do'the dn'1 Monday He mist had a crank on his watch Just one hour total from the sound of the bugle to tbe time tlie uirtam dropped 411 of the lets are on the anxiovs seat and iv aiting checks Daniel framor is back Dill Geoige Oookham has letJineJ from CireleMlIe 0 and cnHes thiough camp Mr Loats ind wife of 0 went out on a to the Home Willnms is back in anil Sergeant Collins is Contented Geo-ge Foote Home coachman was a pleased mortal Mondaj His sou George Foote and wife came from Cleveland on a visit Thev v.ere hos pitably entertained Chaplain Haines and wife Jerry Miller send Josepb Coffee got back Sunday to- CHne cottage Hoi ace Foote of is at Ohio The chiropodist and reliever of siu fering humanitj of corns and bunions is bBck at work in Russian Siberia James Heslet was transfer! ed fiori to R. and is not anv nappiei Gone but where' A Bminger Kauffman and Samuel LPVMS were sponged off the list their time hav ing expired The drum corps hereafter ill start i heaiQinrters when a funeral oc cms Charles Robinson of Greensprmgs 0 is visiting bis father William Rob iiison sergeant of Dill cottage when- the fallen angeite assemble Pythian Field Day. Prepiration-i for the grand annual field day of the Knights of Pytlms are yf 11 under way Furthi plarb for th event will be laid this evening wher i meeting of the general committee will be held in tbe ooms of the 0 Pvtl nn Castle The event is to hold it Svlvama on Tuly 4 a-d compiibe a feisnenl reunion ot the members ftde order of Isoi' 1 Ohio )v pepii--hire of liurran Burdock Blond Bitters "resit jirtimpt peimanentlv 'Regulates an i tones the -tonn il haro lnrt rfMtved 47 of ftpUNteHanlnx, wmtfcMeper yard, onr price only per yard. SO yard, or will be mid to a ctutomer we alw have a fine lot of Roekerr and Chain, Uanline and Bake ladlw 1 and gents' Breyoln at your own price Glte a call and lave money at Samuel Love's Store Hmrrtwn Let Stun Your Furniture. jtjt FRESH LAKE FISH All at Schacht Retail Fisblarkef.


HASTINGS, Prop. Cor. Choice Liquors and Cigars Always on Hand. ed In all Capital $200,000.00 Surplus 80,000.) L.CaWe.Prert. F.

P.Zolltacer.Caifeier. Suduiky, Ohio. Does a General Banlclnf BusiMsa and Pays 3 and 3 PER CENT. on time deposits LOANS MADE ON REAL ESTATE T. B.

TAYLOR, President HENRY QRAEFE, Cashier OF INTEREST TO HOUSEKEEPERS. We are showing juat now a large hud plate assortment of Upholstery Goods, such Velours, Damasks, Denlma and SJk and Wool Tapestries, all of new designs and colors retdr to be made up in any piece ot furniture Prompt attention given to repair work Mat to order and oldonea repaired Will send man to make estimates Sandusky Upholstery Both phones MBS BICKERS. Prop A WEDDING GIFT FOR JUNE BRIDE pic-emincntij appropriate su- piemelj acceptable and delight furij lasting in its consequences is one of oui supeib pianos that conquer the and the ear at one and the same tinu In re cei ears ic-m piano has made gigantic itiides towards perfection iu its vocal qualitj durlbillty of tone am' punt) of all the notes in the scale Our instruments are the i max of Amencan art Renner Doerzbach. I HONESTY PRINCIPLE, BUSINESS, DEALING WITH OUR CUSTOMERS, Is Why Our Trade Has Increased With Each Succeeding Day. IN INTER LAKE hLEL DEALERS IN ANTHRACITE AIS'D BITUMINOUS COA1 Prompt Attention and Careful Delivery Paid to Family Orders.

IF YOU ARE INTERESTED IN Spiritualism, Mental Science, Christian Science, Hypnotism, Psychology, Philosophy or any other phase in occultism, you cannot afford to be without the latest work on occultism "HYPNOTISM and PHYSICAL DEVELOPMENT" This work contains twenty-five lectures on the above subjects. Send for circulars. H. ANDERSON, 52 North Street, Toledo, Ohio. 1 Deafness Cannot be i pplicttion as the tch the diseased pouion i eai 1 here mlv one vvav to cur? deifnes 1 uid that constitutional remedies DP if IK is ra' scd bv an inljamecl cccr nition TM thr imicous limns of IV I list i Tit this iin vou have rumbling 01 r-jTeifect and when it doseil is the an'cbb the mniirittation cijl fie out and this tul to its iio trul condition i be de aved foiever nine coses Qt ten c-ui-eri bv which noth Imt tn inflamed conditiea ot tht 4S English Stripe Trouserings All the latest weaves.

Exclusive Line See our $20.00 to $25.00 Suitings. Our Guarantee is Good. F. X. RINDERLE, 642 Market Sfreet Door East of Columbus Ave.iue.

for i i gne One Hundreii' Dollars inv -ise of Deifuess (caused tatiirh) that caftnot be cured Hall Catarrh Cure Send for cuculais fro" CO Toledo Sold by Druggists 75c Halls Familv Fills aie the best Livery and Boarding Stable The Kueeler-Stang Brewing and Malting Co. BREWERS OP Our T'nexcelled Bottled Beer delivered to anr part of the citr in for family nae Subscribe ror tbe Star Best in the city, all rubber tires Hitied rigs delivered and called for Laser Bohemian Amber Export, Orjs SOflkmg StaHs Diseased Horses HOOfS tal and Standard Beer Brewed from Bo, Stall Accomod.tlons. the Famons 8tal Kack Wat8r Special attention given to private horses and carriages 6EO. DANIEL, Jr. 509 Hanco*ck Sanduskv, Ohio.

Harrison'Phone 319 PO.E AND F1STLUA CiRB. Sample trflatment of Red Cross Pile and Fistula Cnre and book on piles sent free to any adrirew ReaB'OS Co, Kept Minn The Star Is best advertising med- iiim tn county Sabscrlhe for the Club Entertainment. The last entertainment of (he Peei- less Benefit cl ib was si en Tuesdav evening in tbe club rooms The altan 'vas a paitv and was attended bj about voting people The evciing nas pa ssed lancing and the reputation the chib members as royal entei- was maintained The Fllp tend the.

The Sandusky Star-Journal from Sandusky, Ohio (2024)
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Name: Eusebia Nader

Birthday: 1994-11-11

Address: Apt. 721 977 Ebert Meadows, Jereville, GA 73618-6603

Phone: +2316203969400

Job: International Farming Consultant

Hobby: Reading, Photography, Shooting, Singing, Magic, Kayaking, Mushroom hunting

Introduction: My name is Eusebia Nader, I am a encouraging, brainy, lively, nice, famous, healthy, clever person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.