Carlsbad Current-Argus from Carlsbad, New Mexico (2024)

I a a a a a a LIFESTYLES 22, 1990 NEIGHBORS I ADVICE BRIDGE Carlsbad Cure- Argus- -A Thursday, April Handicapped people today should be seen and heard EAR the letter from ABBY: read ABBY concerning the family who calved a wedInvitation did not intheir lamding disabled son. You gave her some very sound advice: Such people need to see the error in their In today's society, most people with handicaps are made to feel invisible, I so this invisibility as a that has been perpetuated throughout the ages, In the Middle Ages, such people were locked away in asylums and considered to be evil' or Even today, naturally curious children are scolded if they look at or ask about a handicapped person they see in public. "This gives our children the message handicapped people must not be spoken to, or even looked at in public, thereby continuing this myth of invisibility, Today, a large majority of hundie capped people are important mombers of their communities. They have jobs, homes and families of their own, Society needs to be editcaned about all types of handicaps, because with education. will come enlightenment, understanding and compassion for.

this diverse sector of our society, ERIC'S SISTER IN DALLAS DEAR SISTER: Thank you for wonderful letter. All physically challenged and learning disabled people should have a sibling like you, DEAR ABBY: Isn't this a lovely way of explaining, the death of a loved one 10 a child? A lite pave a wonderful explanation of the final yearn of death of her grandmother. She said to her mother, alper the funeral: you always said that Grandma walked and talked a lot with God. What 1 think happened is that one day God and Grandma went for an long walk, and they walled on and talked on, until God said to Grandma, "You are a long way from home an are so tired, you had better just come home with me and And Grandma went." I hope my grandchildren will have this kind of comfort. PHOENIX GRANDMA DEAR GRANDMA: Thank you for a beautiful addition to this column, Breybody has problem.

What's youn? Get it of your chest by to: Dear Atty, PO. Bor 69440, Los Angeles, Call, 90060. For a percoal reely, please enclose a sumped, self addressed envelope. Abigail Van Buren is a syndicated columnist whose work is copyrighted and distributed by Univer. sal Press Syndicate, Trips to the beauty parlor are hair -raising tales fice Neither nor.

nor nor of stays these couriers from the swift completion of their appointed rounds' am reminded of the brave souls for whom it was obviously written: women who go to the beauty shop. Offhand, I know of no group as dedicated 10 making good their appointments as women with unwashed, string hair, Nothing can deter them. Disastors are nothing more than challenges. They will commandeer rowboats in a flood to drop them off for their They will grope and stumbie in the darkness of brownouts. They have been known to arrive at their appointments during earthquakes with instructions to "hold the manicure until the shock waves pass, You honestly don't for a minute believe that the salons of Nome, Alaska, closed their doors this winter, do you? These women climbed into their cars with square tires and solid fuel lines and inched their way through blizzards of 80 degrees below zero to get their hair shampooed and set.

I don't have the statistics to prove that a haircut is the antibiotic of the but every woman who has the flu and needs a haircut will never get well. That's a fact. Hair that never grows takes off when you are sick, Bangs can grow as much as 4 inches in one week. Short hair that started at the nape of your neck will spill out over I s00 ERMA the motto at the post of- your pillow. And you don't want to know what happens to roots.

That's why woman who is too sick to go to the doctor will crawl into a beauty shop halfdead, An hour later, when she has been cut, shampooed, rinsed, blown, moussed and curled, she throws away her nose spray and pronounces, "I've bee cured!" Joan Rivers used to tell a story about a woman being wheeled into a deliver room shouting, "Please! You've got to give me something for the When the doctor told her to breathe and bear down, she said, "It's not the baby, you fool, It's the rollers in my hair, There are certain things a woman cannot do with dirty, stringy hair. She cannot give birth, be married, go to a funeral, drop a child off at school, stay at the scene of an accident, or answer the phone with her husband's old girlfriend on the line. Unlike women, men do not consider "hair" one of the major religions. They say, "I need a in the same tone as they say, "I need change for the coffee The passion and the urgency just aren't there. Women, on the other hand, will not be deterred by a dead car battery, inclement weather, an empty gas tank, a sitter who didn't show up, or a direct hit by a bomb on the shop.

A person has been known to come between a mother and child and live, but don't try it with a woman and her hairdress- Erma Bombeck is a syndicated columnist whose work is copyrighted and distributed by Universal Press Syndicate, NICE FOLKS The members of the Carlsbad make this event possible. High School Rodeo Team would Last but not least, thank you, Alike to take this opportunity to say Jerry Owen. Without your being our thank you to the entire city of Carls- dedicated sponsor and friend this bad for the success of our first high would never have gotten off the school rodeo here. Our out-of-town ground. Thank you to all of you contestants commented on the from all of us, friendliness of our community.

First Carlsbad High School From motel owners, to gas station Rodeo Team attendants and restaurants, you all 1992-93 made them feel welcome. To all our sponsors, a special We want to thank Jorge. Valenzuthank you for believing in us. We ela of the Carlsbad Tortilla Factory don't for coming out and watching us. get to see many factories around appreciate the Current for giving us a tour.

Our kids also We're grateful for the pictures in Carlsbad. We enjoyed all the most important people we jokes. They make excellent com Sunday's paper. las he gave us, plus some good have to thank is the Eddy County tortillas, There's a place you can Sheriff's Posse for the use of their buy locally and get a good product facilities and thanks to our families also. and friends who put in endless Teachers and Students hours before, during and after to Victory Christian Academy Unit plans eighth annual Bridge Scholarship Day here The Carlsbad Unit of Duplicate Bridge will host the eighth annual Bridge Scholarship Day on Saturday at the Senior Recreation Center on North Mesa Street.

An invitation is extended to all party bridge players, weekly foursones, and duplicate players 10 There will be a light lunch served at noon with bridge play beginning at 1 p.m. Harvey Hicks will be the master of ceremonies. The CARC Farms has donated the door prizes which will be given away throughout the alter- Admittance is Donations will be accepted from players who wish to contribute to the Bridge Scholarship Fund, The donations will go for scholarships for students who wish to attend New Mexico State University at Carlsbad. Scholarships are available to applicants in Eddy County, such 18 Artesia, Carlsbad, Loving, Hope, Eligility for a scholarship is available to any senior graduating from high school in Eddy County who plans to attend NMSU-C. They must have a GPA of 3.0 or better to apply and be a recipient of 2.5 GPA or better as a fulltime student for the scholarship to be continued for four semesters.

Also, any adult may apply if they wish to continue their college education after they were forced to drop out in the past for personal reasons. "The value of the scholarship for a full-time student is $300 per somester and part-time students receive $150. Last May scholarships were awarded for four full-time stdents and five part-time students. This year, the scholarship com- Harvey Hicks, left, and Jim shown with Wendy Austin, this nual Bridge Scholarship Day mite hopes to raise enough money to increase the number of scholarships. The Scholarship Fund was initiated by Harvey Hicks, when Bill Dancy, the president of the Carlsbad Duplicate Bridge Club died in 1985.

A meeting was held Oct. 25, 1985, at which Hicks explained to other members attending the meeting how this fund could be set up with the help of the Carlsbad Foundation. Although the first scholarship would be given Current Argue Rucker, right, with the Carlsbad Unit 376 of Duplicate Bridge, are year's scholarship recipient. The unit will host the eighth anevent this Saturday at Carlsbad Senior Recreation Center. in honor of Bill Dancy, in the fu- Eight years have passed and tune the scholarships would be now the fund exceeds $25,000 given in honor of any bridge and each year the bridge players player who should die in that in Carlsbad have been able to help more individuals with their educayear.

The first year, it was the goal of tions. the unit to raise $2,500 which would be matched by the Foundation. The unit voted to donate Some of the party bridge play. $500 and the rest would be raised ers who deserve recognition for day for all making this such a successful by having a bridge bridge players in Carlsbad. If ev.

event arc: Alyce Willis, Rita Milworked out, there would cham, Lynn Basham, Jim and erything be $500 to be awarded for schol- Teddy Harrison, Mickey Ward arship funds. and Eileen Johnson. Grandmother Clubs hold conference The Southwest Conference of the National Federation of Grandmother Clubs of America was held in Carlsbad on April 17 at the Stevens Motel. The Carlsbad clubs, Buena Vista and Brag and Boast Grandmothers, were host to the meeting attended by grandmothers from Hobbs, Ennice, Lovington, Carlsbad and Borger, Texas, Mayor Bob Forrest gave a welcome from Carlsbad and Betty Dixon of Hobbs gave the response. The group was entertained by the senior citizens "Line Dancers." Presidents of the nine clubs present gave a report on their club events.

The attendance plaque was presented by Buena Vista club for having 77.77 percent present. Lorene Elias, Buena Vista club, presented: a memorial service for five members of this area who died last year. Door prizes were presented to every out-oftown grandmother. Special awards were: "Oldest Grandmother," Clara Wheeler, 90-year-old grandmother from Brag and Boast club; "Youngest Grandmother," Shirley Tubbs, 55- year old grandmother from Golden Grandmothers in Borger; "Mother and Daughter grandmother Betty Dixon and Vivian Cooper from Jo Helen Club in Hobbs as well as Clara Wheeler and Lois Spencer from Brag and Boast club in Carlsbad. "Most Grandchildren Award," went to Shirley Tubbs with 22 grandchildren.

"Most GreatGrandchildren Award," was awarded to Alta Smith and Vivian Cooper with 23 each. "Most Great Award," was presented to Clara Wheeler with 17. Jo Helen Enyeart of Hobbs who has been a for 35 years, won the "Longest Years of Membership Award." Grandmothers Alta Smith, Shirley Tubbs, Helen Brook and grandfather Henry Smith, all from Borger, were recognized for the "furthest distance traveled." Next year's meeting will be in Hobbs with the Jo Helen and Black Gold Club as hostess. The meeting closed with benediction given by Janette Burris. I Hate Hamlet' opens Friday "I Hate Carlsbad Community Theater's final production of this season, opens this weekend, Friday and Saturday at 7:30 p.m., with a matinee on Sunday at 2 p.m.,.

and continues next weekend April 30 and May 1, at 7:30 p.m. Seasonticket holders are reminded to use their remaining tickets. Outlets for the tickets are Dr. Brian Taylor's offico, City Spirit, Artists Gallery, and the cast. The box office opens at 6:45 on production nights or 1:30 for the matinee.

Scott Foster returns to the CCT stage in his first major role as Andrew Rally, successful young television actor. Poster played supporting roles in "The Second Time Around" and "Oh, What a Tangled Web," and sang in the chorus of (91) and In The Backstage, he stagemanaged and ran lights for "The A full-time student at New Mexico State University at Carlsbad, Foster is seeking a degree in arts and sciences. He is enrolled in the aching class. He also works at Albertson's and is a licensed insurance agent. Undaunted by playing the legendary actor, Sonny Castillo adds another interesting role to his list of as the ghost of John thrilled to be back, coaching Andy as Hamlet and taking up where he left off, drinking, charming and disarming the ladies, Castillo has just finished portraying Alex Rovenesco in "A Very Rich Woman' and has carried major roles in "Hello, Dilly, "The Nerd" (Best Actor), "Squabbles' (Best.

Supporting Actor), "Sound of Misic," "Boys Next Door," "Com is Green, of the Heart," and (91) as Mordred, Andy's girlfriend, the winsome Dierdre McDavey, who lives in a world where virtue is its own reward, is played by Kim Fincher in her first role for CCT. She is a fill- Cast members, from left, Kayla Community Theater's production 7:30 p.m. with a matinee on time student at the college and is enrolled in the class. Previous experience includes the University Play. ers' Reader's Theater presentation of "The Canterbury She now works at Star Pharmacy during the day and attends college at night, majoring in computer science, The psychic realtor, Felicia Dantine, who brings Andy, Barrymore, and the apartment together, is played by Kayla George in her first appearance on the CCT stage.

The Carlsbad native is a full-time stdent at the branch and is in the acting class. An education major, she Kolenda George, Lynn Tusha and Kim Fincher, act out a scene In Carlsbad of of "I Hate Hamlet." The play opens Friday and Saturday at Sunday at 2 p.m. and continues April 30 and May 1 at 7:30 p.m. will graduate in May with an associ- and will graduate with an associates ate of arts degree, She volunteers at degree in 1994. Headstart and acts as a clown for Gary Peter Lelkowitz, TV writchildren's entertainment, adding to en producer director, offers Andy a performance experience in school six -figure television series.

Lynn and church. All of this works Tusha makes his second appearance around her husband and three chil- for CCT as Letkowitz after singing. dren. in the chorus of "110 In The Shade Iris Hartsock portrays Lillian for CCT. He also sings in a church Troy, Andrew's agent who has a choir and has experience as a newsspecial interest in the Barrymore paper columnist.

With majors in edapartment, in her first stage experi- ucation and economics, the Carlsence, She and her husband have two bad native retums to his hometown children and are foster parents to where he is teaching humanities in other children. Enrolled in the act- Loving Junior High and High ing class, she is a full-time student School..

Carlsbad Current-Argus from Carlsbad, New Mexico (2024)
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Name: Pres. Carey Rath

Birthday: 1997-03-06

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Hobby: Sand art, Drama, Web surfing, Cycling, Brazilian jiu-jitsu, Leather crafting, Creative writing

Introduction: My name is Pres. Carey Rath, I am a faithful, funny, vast, joyous, lively, brave, glamorous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.